
Unser Irish Craic wird ab sofort nicht mehr produziert!

'Our Irish Craic will no longer be produced from now on!'

Hallo Jerky Nation! Bad news for all Irish Craic fans - the production of this variety is being discontinued immediately! Over the past weekend, we held a clearance sale exclusively...

Liebe(r) Pom! / Liebe Karen!

Dear Pom! / Dear Karen!

Thank you for your extremely objective and fair review on Amazon! You obviously don't know quite as much. So let me explain. "For example, you could read the product description...

Warum unbedingt österreichisches Rindfleisch?

Why Austrian beef in particular?

"We could now give some very short, simple answers to this often-asked question. For example, because Austrian beef is sometimes the best. Also, because we know which nearly cattle-paradisiacal habitats...

Yoga & Simple Jerky

Yoga & Simple Jerky

Some time ago, the lovely Helene, yoga teacher and fitness trainer, contacted us from with the words  "I have privately consumed your products several times and am thrilled with...

Österreichisches Fleisch und die perfekte Produktionsstätte

Austrian Meat and the Perfect Production Site

"As you may have noticed, our manufacturer stamp has changed in recent months. We received some questions about this, and therefore we will clarify the mystery surrounding the Czech stamp...

Ist Beef Jerky "Überlebensnahrung"?

Is beef jerky "survival food"?

In the past few days, we received an astonishing number of emails and Facebook messages regarding beef jerky and "survival food." In the current situation, many relevant "survival" websites are...

Craft Bier Fest Wien 2019

Craft Beer Fest Vienna 2019

"We will also be at CBF Vienna again this November!""It will take place again in the Karl-Marx-Halle and you can visit us on November 22 and 23 starting at 4:00...

Beef Jerky - historically speaking

Dried meat has appeared in various forms over centuries on all continents. The beef jerky, as we know it and produce for Simple Jerky, originally comes from an ancient tribe...

Time to say good-bye!

Hallo Jerky Nation! "There is a good and a possibly not so good piece of news for you. We will soon be discontinuing two of our flavors. AAAAABUT there will...

Simple Jerky at Ink & Drink in Munich!

"We are already making our way to Munich on Thursday because we will be at Ink & Drink starting Friday - the big international tattoo and spirits fair! The Ink...

The Village Whisk(e)y Fair Nuremberg

Hey Jerky Nation! Last weekend we were exhibitors at The Village - Whisk(e)y Fair Nuremberg.. First of all, I have to say that Nuremberg is a really great city and...

Brewing Art Live! and Finest Spirits 2018

Brewing Art Live! and Finest Spirits 2018

Simple Jerky's Instagram

Hallo Jerky Nation! "For all the Instagram fans, we are now also there: Simple Jerky's Instagram"  You can now use the hashtag #simplejerky to share your SJ moments! 😁  

Mild & Spicy

Hey Jerky Nation, "Many of you love spicy food and can do without mild, and many of you have nothing to do with Habanero and the like and love mild....

The time has come....

...finally, our Simple Jerky is available as SUBSCRIPTION!!! "From now on, you can also order our Big Sample Box as a subscription - simply choose "Order Subscription" in the shop...

"Why phosphates in food and why we do NOT use them"

Hallo Jerky Nation! So here is part 2 of our little series "Chemistry has no place in Jerky". ;) Today we are talking about phosphates. Phosphates occur naturally, but here...