Guide to Beef Jerky and Dried Meat

Vor- und Nachteile der Keto-Diät

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is a form of nutrition where you consume very low carbohydrates, but a lot of fat and a certain amount of protein. In contrast to most other...

Beef Jerky selber machen: So wird dein hausgemachtes Jerky besonders lecker

Making Beef Jerky Yourself: How to Make Your Homemade Jerky Especially Delicious

Beef jerky is not only delicious and convenient, but also rich in protein and numerous other nutrients. Are you interested in making the tasty snack yourself? We'll tell you how...

Beef Jerky weicher machen: So wird gekauftes Jerky wieder zart

Make Beef Jerky Softer: How to Make Store-Bought Jerky Tender Again

When you open a new pack of beef jerky, you enjoy its pleasant consistency - it is pleasantly tender and not too soft, but also not too dry. However, if...

Welches Fleisch eignet sich am besten für Beef Jerky?

Which meat is best suited for beef jerky?

High-quality beef jerky is characterized by a delicious taste, a pleasant texture, and good durability. To achieve all of this, it is crucial to use the right meat. We will...

Ist Beef Jerky gesund?

Is beef jerky healthy?

Beef jerky is not only a delicious snack for on the go that easily fits in your jacket pocket, but it is also high in protein. For this reason, the...

Beef Jerky richtig lagern: So bleibt dein Jerky länger haltbar

Storing Beef Jerky Properly: This is How Your Jerky Stays Fresh Longer

Beef Jerky is a delicious and protein-rich snack that you can enjoy anywhere and anytime. Compared to other treats, the dried meat has the advantage of being long-lasting. With proper...

Warum enthält Beef Jerky Zucker?

Why does beef jerky contain sugar?

When looking at the ingredient list of beef jerky, one ingredient may stand out to you: sugar. It is obvious that excessive sugar consumption can be associated with negative health...

Ernährung mit Fleisch: Wie gesund ist eine fleischhaltige Ernährung?

Nutrition with Meat: How Healthy is a Meat-Based Diet?

Meat consumption is often criticized today for ethical, environmental, and health reasons. However, meat is a food source that has provided humans with energy and nutrients for millions of years....

Weidehaltung: Die vielseitigen Vorteile der artgerechten und ursprünglichen Tierhaltung

Pasture farming: The versatile advantages of species-appropriate and traditional animal husbandry

When shopping for meat, milk, and other animal products, you surely like to think of happy, grazing cows in expansive pastures. But in reality, the lives of most farm animals...

Paleo-Ernährung: Was ist das und wie gesund ist die Steinzeitdiät?

Paleo Diet: What is it and how healthy is the Stone Age diet?

"Living in the 21st century, but eating like in the Stone Age 2.5 million years ago - what may initially sound crazy is a reality for followers of the Paleo...