"Why phosphates in food and why we do NOT use them"

Benjamin Jacobs

Hallo Jerky Nation!

So here is part 2 of our little series "Chemistry has no place in Jerky". ;)

Today we are talking about phosphates. Phosphates occur naturally, but here we are referring to artificial phosphates. These are used in fertilizers, in detergents, and.....in food. In the food industry, phosphates are used as flavor enhancers (or declared?). They are needed to dissolve calcium-magnesium bridges in muscle meat (in the actin and myosin filaments). This increases the water-binding capacity of meat. Phosphates also raise the pH level of the meat protein, and as a result, that protein can absorb more water.

What does all this mean in short? Phosphates in meat = a higher water binding. A higher water content = more weight.

Officially, phosphates play the role of a flavor enhancer. However, in industrial reality, it’s about weight. A higher water content means more weight. In meat production, phosphates essentially act as "extenders" or "fillers." So you are buying a meat product with a specific weight indication. However, to save costs, the manufacturer uses phosphates to achieve the same sales weight. Clever, right? We don’t want to be that "clever" and do NOT use phosphates.

Phosphates bring all sorts of harm to the body, and phosphate intake has doubled in the last 3 decades. Phosphates hinder the absorption of calcium, leach calcium from the bones, and thereby significantly increase the risk of osteoporosis. Additionally, phosphate alters the inner walls of blood vessels, greatly increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. For people with kidney disease, a high phosphate level can even be life-threatening.

Artificial phosphates, as used in the food industry, are, in contrast to natural phosphates, soluble and are thus completely absorbed by the body. Our body is practically flooded with phosphates nowadays, despite the fact that it is known how harmful high phosphate levels are.

Conclusion: we use NO phosphate. 50 grams of Simple Jerky ARE 50 grams of Simple Jerky without artificially inflating the water content and thus the weight of our product. Period!

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