Is beef jerky "survival food"?
Benjamin JacobsSplit
In the past few days, we received an astonishing number of emails and Facebook messages regarding beef jerky and "survival food." In the current situation, many relevant "survival" websites are being visited, many of which list beef jerky as survival food in their various lists. This explains the emails with questions on the topic that we are now increasingly receiving and would like to briefly answer here. First, however, two fundamental questions, followed by the most common customer questions:
What is survival food?
Simply put, these are food items that are long-lasting and safely packaged, provide a high caloric intake, and supply the body with sufficient nutrients.
When do I need survival food/a emergency supply?
To be honest? Actually always. Whether it's a pandemic like now or an accident in a chemical plant - having an emergency supply is always smart. You don't have to make exaggerated panic purchases or turn into a hardcore "survivalist" or "prepper." But a manageable supply of water, staple foods, batteries, candles, camping stoves, medications, etc. is NEVER wrong. You can find more information on the website of the Austrian Civil Protection Association, among others. Below you will find some helpful links.
How long is Simple Jerky shelf-stable?
"We indicate our best before date (BBD) as 6 months. However, we actually have some bags of jerky from our early days and various batches that we consciously did not sell, but kept at home to see for ourselves if it is still 100% edible even after a few years. Yes, it is. Even bags from 2014 are flawless. Due to official regulations, we will stick to 6 months and recommend that you take this into account as well."
Is jerky enough to get by?
"Of course, the body needs more than just meat. If our body lacks essential nutrients for a long time, we encounter serious problems. Therefore, one cannot safely consume only water and jerky for an extended period. However, in a real emergency situation, a food like beef jerky definitely helps to stretch existing supplies, meet caloric needs, and fill the stomach."
"Basically, we naturally need, among other things, complex carbohydrates as well as a sufficient amount of vitamins (especially vitamin C). BUT jerky certainly has a high value in any emergency pantry. It is easy to consume because it does not need to be cooked. It is safely packaged. It can be stored well, has a long shelf life, and does not take up much space on your shelves. It provides a high amount of important protein and has a high caloric density. Like the website" survivalmesserguide.de aptly writes:
"Easy to eat, easy to take along, and long-lasting – it makes sense to stock up on beef jerky."
"Meat - especially canned - is absolutely recommended on emergency lists by official sources. If one still wants to pay attention to their health in an emergency, jerky is certainly the better choice than canned meat."
Can I cook with beef jerky?
Yes, you can. You can heat and/or rehydrate jerky. You can add jerky as a flavor and protein source in soups or stews. There are numerous recipes for this on the internet. But even with just jerky, some onion, flour, water, and possibly potatoes, rice, or beans, you can easily make a stew that provides the body with nutrients and energy. The already seasoned beef jerky imparts its flavor to the stew, and it tastes pretty good.
Does the jerky make you very thirsty?
Reasoned consideration, as water can be scarce under certain circumstances. However, if you look at the nutritional values of the universally popular canned stews and compare them with (at least our) Beef Jerky, you can see that this is a misconception. The common lentil, sausage, and bean stews in cans from the supermarket have an average salt content of 4g per serving, while our Jerky has about 2.5g. Jerky has an average protein content of 25g, while the canned stew has only an average of 8g. Protein provides energy and keeps you full longer. Therefore, 50g of Jerky has a similar salt content, but a higher calorie density and a much better protein content.
Can my child eat jerky in an emergency?
"Yes, and not just in emergencies ;). Many of our customers keep telling us that their kids love Jerky. All mild varieties (Austrian Style, Salt and Pepper, or Smoky Original) are definitely suitable for children."
"I believe we have clarified the most important questions. Dried meat has always been a survival food for a reason, not just during the times of the Covid-19 virus."
Stay cool and calm, make yourselves cozy times at home, avoid unnecessary trips into the outside world, and set up a smart, small emergency supply. And don't forget to wash your hands! ;)
"To provide you with good snacks for your evenings at home and/or to enhance your emergency supply, we are giving you 10% off our Simple Jerky with the code LOVEJERKY . The code is valid until March 23, 2020."
(Not combinable with other codes and promotions. Not applicable to subscriptions, already existing quantity discounts, and vouchers.)
Here are some helpful links that can assist in being well prepared for emergencies:
The right "stockpiling" (Austrian Civil Protection Association)
Guide for Emergency Preparedness and Proper Action in Emergency Situations (BKK)
The Civil Protection Concept - Create Emergency Ration for Home
Why You Should Always Have a Basic Stock of Food at Home