Ist Beef Jerky gesund?

Is beef jerky healthy?

Benjamin Jacobs

Beef jerky is not only a delicious snack for in between, which easily fits in your jacket pocket, but also rich in protein. For this reason, the strips of dried beef are particularly popular among athletes. Whether after training, on a bike tour, or as a snack at home on the sofa - you can enjoy the dried meat anytime and anywhere.

But is beef jerky also healthy? We will tell you what really is in the package.

Is beef jerky a healthy snack?

Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to a healthy and balanced diet. When choosing snacks, you may therefore not only value good taste but also the presence of important nutrients. Furthermore, healthy foods should be free from harmful substances such as questionable preservatives and flavor enhancers.

Beef Jerky is now available from numerous different manufacturers at the market. The products vary significantly in terms of their nutritional values, ingredients, taste, and quality. If you want to enjoy dried meat that is as healthy as possible, you should take a closer look and choose a high-quality product.

Beef Jerky as a Protein Source

Beef jerky primarily scores with a high protein content: 100g of meat contains about 40 to 50 percent protein. This is not only important for muscle building, but also for numerous other metabolic processes. Athletes enjoy the dried meat after a sweaty workout. Many people believe that protein-rich foods can contribute to a longer-lasting feeling of fullness. Therefore, it is advisable to opt for particularly high-protein jerky.

Supply of vitamins and minerals

"To live healthily and happily, we rely on an adequate supply of all essential vitamins and minerals. Beef contains many important minerals such as iron, zinc, and selenium, as well as various B vitamins. Additionally, the body can absorb some nutrients of animal origin better than from plant-based foods."

Low cholesterol and fat content

When making jerky, lean meat is usually used. Simple Jerky has a fat content of about 5 percent, making it low in cholesterol and fat. It is therefore a snack that may also be suitable for weight loss. So, pay attention to a low fat content when choosing your jerky.

Low carbohydrate and sugar content

When buying as healthy dried meat as possible, you should also pay attention to a low content of carbohydrates and sugar. Simple Jerky contains only about 10 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams and is low in calories. It contains a small amount of sugar, which positively affects the consistency and taste. However, the sugar content is low and amounts to less than 5 grams per package.

Free from questionable additives

"In the production of dried meat, some manufacturers resort to various additives to make their snacks more durable. Unfortunately, various chemicals can have a negative impact on health, especially with increased consumption. Beef jerky produced in this way can therefore be unhealthy."

If you want your beef jerky to be healthy, you should take a closer look when buying. Our Simple Jerky is 100% free from preservatives, artificial flavors and flavor enhancers, as well as plasticizers. We do not use any questionable additives that could harm your body.

High-quality beef

The quality of the meat used naturally has a significant impact on the quality of the beef jerky in your packaging. There are often significant differences between the products of different manufacturers. Nationwide in Germany, only about 30 percent of cattle have access to pasture. For this reason, dried meat often consists of beef from confined animal feeding operations. This is often contaminated with antibiotics, hormones, and other concerning substances due to the conditions in cattle barns.

Scientific studies suggest that meat from pasture-raised animals may have better nutritional values than meat from confined farming. Pasture undoubtedly meets the natural needs of cattle better than a closed barn and provides them with species-appropriate food. Additionally, pasture-raised animals are often given fewer medications and experience less stress. All of this can have positive effects on meat quality. For these reasons, Simple Jerky is made only from Austrian pasture-raised beef. We place great importance on the well-being of the cows. This benefits not only the animals but also our customers.

Frequently Asked Questions: Is Beef Jerky Healthy?

What health benefits does beef jerky offer?

Beef jerky is rich in protein and at the same time low in cholesterol, fat, and carbohydrates. In addition, it contains various vitamins and minerals that are of great importance for health.

What should I pay attention to when buying beef jerky?

To buy the healthiest beef jerky, you should focus on a high protein content and a low fat content. Opt for products that are free from artificial additives. It is also advisable to prefer meat from pasture-raised animals.

Is too much beef jerky unhealthy?

Like most other foods, you should also enjoy beef jerky in moderation. Nutrition experts recommend a maximum meat consumption of 600 grams per week. This corresponds to 12 or 24 packs of beef jerky.

Ben Jacobs

Ben Jacobs, founder of SimpleJerky, brought his passion for authentic beef jerky from the USA to Austria. Inspired by childhood memories of small, family-run shops in rural Northwestern Connecticut, he creates a handmade jerky with the highest quality standards, free from artificial additives and made from local beef.

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