Nutrition with Meat: How Healthy is a Meat-Based Diet?
Benjamin JacobsSplit
Nowadays, more and more people are striving for a healthy lifestyle in harmony with nature. At the same time, there is a plethora of different dietary trends that often contradict each other. While some swear by vegetarianism or veganism, others claim to have found the answer to all health questions in the Paleo diet or in the carnivore diet.
Meat consumption is often criticized today for ethical, environmental, and health reasons. However, meat is a food source that has provided humans with energy and nutrients for millions of years. If you choose a meat-based diet, it is primarily important to pay attention to balance and quality.
Nutrition with Meat: Are We Naturally Meat Eaters?
"Humans have been feeding on meat for over two million years. This not only helped our ancestors secure their own survival in times of scarce plant food but also allowed them to evolve further. Evolutionary research supports the thesis that the human brain significantly increased in mass due to the introduction of meat consumption, leading to rapid human development. For these reasons, many scientists assume that we are naturally meat-eaters."
Of course, the meat consumption of our ancestors differs significantly from our modern consumption. While people often went hunting and prepared the game themselves until a few centuries ago, we now simply and quickly buy meat products at the supermarket or from the butcher. Moreover, meat was a scarce and valuable commodity for most people in the past, consumed only on special occasions. Nowadays, people in Germany, on the other hand, eat an average of 1.2 kilograms of meat per week.
Is meat important for the body?
Meat provides the body with plenty of energy in the form of calories. In addition, meat products are a good source of numerous valuable nutrients, primarily proteins, fats, various vitamins, and minerals. They are particularly rich in vitamin A and B vitamins as well as zinc and iron. Especially red meat contains large amounts of iron and vitamin B12. Veal and beef have the highest content of iron and zinc compared to other types of meat.
A meat-based diet offers the advantage that the body can absorb iron, zinc, and B vitamins from animal foods better than from plant foods. Meat consumption can thus contribute to the building and proper functioning of body cells. The adequate intake of protein is, for example, of great importance for maintaining bone density and strength, increasing muscle mass, and numerous metabolic processes.
Which meat is best for the body?
How healthy meat really is depends mainly on the type, quality, and preparation method. Although red meat such as beef, veal, lamb, and pork is particularly rich in nutrients, its increased consumption is often classified as unhealthy by experts. White meat, meaning poultry, is considered healthier despite its lower content of iron and B vitamins. In contrast, highly processed meat products such as sausages, ham, and canned meat are regarded as particularly concerning. Therefore, it is crucial to opt for a moderate enjoyment. When purchasing industrially produced products, you should also pay more attention to ensure that they do not contain harmful chemicals.
The type of animal husbandry also has a decisive influence on the quality of the final meat product. It is therefore recommended to prefer products from species-appropriate and sustainable agriculture. Meat from cattle raised in pasture-based systems, which were allowed to enjoy natural grass instead of artificial feed or grain, is proven to be richer in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Meat from free-range farming not only has a better ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids but also generally contains fewer residues of antibiotics, other medications, and hormones. Researchers also suspect that the increased stress and fear of animals in confined housing can negatively affect the taste of the meat.
How much meat is healthy?
Experts believe that we consume too much meat nowadays. The dietary recommendation of the German Society for Nutrition is a maximum of 300 to 600 grams of meat per week - which is at most half of what the average German eats.
Risks of excessive meat consumption
Despite its positive qualities, meat can also pose health risks - especially when consumed in excessive amounts. This is partly due to the fact that meat is high in cholesterol, which can increase the risk of developing various diseases when consumed in larger quantities. Scientific studies suggest that excessive meat consumption can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer such as colorectal cancer.
Furthermore, an increased consumption of meat usually leads to a decrease in the intake of plant-based foods. However, fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based food sources contain secondary plant compounds, vitamins, and minerals that are important for health. Therefore, it is primarily crucial to pay attention to a balanced, whole-food diet and the intake of all essential nutrients. A one-sided diet, in any form, always leads to an increased risk of deficiencies and can thus result in various diseases. Whether a diet with meat is fundamentally healthy or unhealthy cannot be answered universally - both the quantity and the quality make the difference.
Beef Jerky: Your protein-rich meat snack made from premium beef
Beef Jerky is a delicious meat snack for on-the-go that fits in any jacket pocket. It is not just any snack, but a special taste experience of high quality. For our Beef Jerky, we use only premium Austrian beef sourced from grass-fed animals. We place great importance on the well-being of the animals. This affects both the taste and the nutritional values: Our jerky melts in your mouth and is lean while being rich in valuable Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
The delicious meat snack is also free from harmful additives and other unnecessary ingredients. Our products contain small amounts of sugar, which is important for a pleasant consistency. You are guaranteed to find a flavor that matches your personal preferences. If you enjoy sweet and fruity notes, Hawaiian Teriyaki is the product for you. If you prefer heartier flavors, Austrian Style or The Smoky Original are probably made for you!
Frequently Asked Questions about Meat Nutrition
Is meat important for the body?
Meat contains many valuable nutrients such as proteins, iron, zinc, and B vitamins, which are of great importance for health. As long as it is consumed in moderation and is of good quality, it can be part of a healthy and balanced diet.
How much meat is healthy?
Nutrition experts recommend a maximum meat consumption of 300 to 600 grams per week. Excessive consumption can increase the risk of various diseases.
Which meat is the best?
For both health and ethical as well as sustainable reasons, it is advisable to prefer meat from free-range farming. This is usually richer in valuable nutrients and at the same time less contaminated with harmful substances.
Ben Jacobs, founder of SimpleJerky, brought his passion for authentic beef jerky from the USA to Austria. Inspired by childhood memories of small, family-run shops in rural Northwestern Connecticut, he creates a handmade jerky with the highest quality standards, free from artificial additives and made from local beef.