Which meat is best suited for beef jerky?
Benjamin JacobsSplit
High-quality beef jerky is characterized by a delicious taste, a pleasant texture, and good durability. To achieve all of this, it is crucial to use the right meat.
"We will tell you which beef is particularly suitable for making delicious jerky."
Best meat for beef jerky: This is especially important
The quality and type of meat have a significant influence on the final taste of beef jerky. It is particularly important to choose a suitable cut of beef. Although fatty meat contributes to a special taste experience in many dishes, it is less suitable for dried meat.
"Which cut of meat is best for production cannot be answered definitively. Therefore, there are several possible recipes that can lead to delicious beef jerky. However, all suitable cuts of beef have in common that they have a relatively low fat content. Excess fat would negatively affect the taste, texture, and shelf life of dried meat. For this reason, parts of the hind leg, the hip, and the back are usually preferred."
"In addition, the meat should be as fresh and high quality as possible. To achieve optimal quality, freezing or storage in the refrigerator should be avoided beforehand. Instead, production should begin immediately after purchasing the freshest beef possible."
Which cut is the best beef jerky meat?
Depending on the region and country, the cuts of beef have different names. Often, a distinction is made between the head, the neck or nape, the shoulder, the chest, the back, the flank, and the hindquarter. From the various cuts, numerous smaller cuts are produced - including, for example, tenderloin or T-bone.
There are some cuts that have proven particularly effective over the years in the traditional production of beef jerky in America.
The Sirloin Steak is also referred to in German as Hüftfilet or Hüftkern. It is located in the beef hindquarter near the spine and is particularly tender. Compared to other cuts suitable for jerky, it is slightly fattier. This allows for a special flavor without an increased risk of spoiling quickly.
Short Far
The Short Loin comes from the back's rear section and is also referred to as Ribeye. It is ideally suited for making delicious beef jerky. Although it is relatively expensive compared to other cuts, an investment can be worthwhile.
The flank or the flank steak is located in the front abdominal lobe of the beef. It is a very flavorful meat with a special note. In addition, it is characterized by a relatively low fat content and distinctively long fibers.
Eye of Round
The Eye of Round is also referred to in German-speaking countries as Weißes Scherzel, Semmerrolle, Schwanzrolle, or Runder Mocken. The oval muscle is located in the rear part of the beef round, has strongly pronounced fibers, and can be easily sliced into strips. Also, due to its low fat content, this cut is well suited for making beef jerky.
Top Round
The Top Round is a steak from the upper thigh of the beef, located between the Eye of Round and the Bottom Round. The cut from the upper leg is characterized by a low fat content as well as a good fat distribution. For this reason, it is suitable for both the production of roulades and beef jerky.
Bottom Round
The Bottom Round comes from the outer muscle of the upper hind leg. It is a lean and not particularly tender cut that is ideal for making jerky. In addition to its rich flavor, it offers the advantage of being relatively inexpensive compared to many other cuts of meat.
Jerky from other types of meat
Although beef is the classic choice for making jerky, it can also be made from other varieties. In the past, the tasty snack often consisted of bison, deer, and other game. Nowadays, pork jerky, or jerky made from pork, is particularly considered a popular alternative. If you are a fan of pork, our Pork Jerky Austrian Style will surely match your taste. Additionally, moose and turkey, for example, are also suitable for making dried meat.
Frequently Asked Questions: Beef Jerky - Which Meat is Best?
Which cuts of beef are best suited for beef jerky?
Theoretically, you can use all cuts of beef for jerky that are not too fatty. However, cuts such as sirloin, short loin, flank, eye of round, top round, and bottom round have proven to be particularly effective.
Are other types of meat also suitable for jerky?
Jerky was traditionally made mostly from wild game. Nowadays, pork, turkey, and elk are particularly popular alternatives to beef jerky.
What characterizes good meat for beef jerky?
Good meat for beef jerky should not only be low in fat, but also as fresh and high quality as possible. The better the quality, the better the taste.
Ben Jacobs, founder of SimpleJerky, brought his passion for authentic beef jerky from the USA to Austria. Inspired by childhood memories of small, family-run shops in rural Northwestern Connecticut, he creates a handmade jerky with the highest quality standards, free from artificial additives and made from local beef.