• Austrian Beef

    "For our Simple Jerky, we exclusively use Austrian pasture-raised beef. Our raw meat supplier ensures animal welfare, short transport routes, and a seamless traceability of origin."

  • Fit & Healthy

    Simple Jerky contains over 45% protein and less than 5% fat. Additionally, it contains no chemical additives.

    Simple Jerky supports a healthy diet and helps you achieve your athletic goals.

  • No Bullsh**

    "No phosphates, no artificial softeners, no sodium nitrates, and no flavor enhancers are used in the production of Simple Jerky."
    Only the best meat and our own spice blends.

  • Adventure

    Our lightweight, flat packaging makes it easy to have Simple Jerky with you everywhere. Whether you're going on a mountain hike, spending a day at the lake, taking a bike trip, or climbing Mount Everest - Simple Jerky can go anywhere!